The Secret World of the Gwargedd Annwn

Once upon a time in this dark land, a group of ancient Welsh water sprites known as the Gwargedd Annwn lived side by side with their fellow humans deep down in their underwater kingdoms under the lakes, hidden from mortal eyes through using a special blend of fairy glamour. They possessed many gifts, it was once believed that they guarded secret gardens hidden on islands on their sacred lakes. Once a year on New Year's Day it would be possible for humans to find these gardens, as long as they found the secret entrance. Like with the garden of Eden it was strictly forbidden to take anything from these gardens, and it was not rise to offend a fairy. Unlike some fairies the Gwargedd Annwn were very fond of humans and would often impart to them their medicinal wisdom. They were often known to take human lovers, but if they were not treated with the correct respect they would vanish and never be seen again. The most widely known Gwargedd Annwn was the Lady of the Lake who fea...