Beware the Knocking of Ankou

"When Ankou comes, he will not go away empty"

Ankou is the faerie embodiment of death and is an important figure in Celtic folklore which came from the ancient regions of Brittany, Cornwall, Wales and Ireland. He is probably better known for his other names; The Grim Reaper, Father Time and Death.

His role was to collect the souls from the recently departed and transport them to the Otherworld.

He would carry out his task dressed all in black in a robed costume and cowl which covered his entire face. It is said that no one alive has ever seen his face, because just looking upon him will bring out your own demise.

There are many tales surrounding Ankou. It is believed that Ankou was once a young and cruel prince. One day whilst out in the forest hunting he encountered Death who challenge him to a contest where the winner was the first to kill a black stag. Anjou subsequently lost to Death and his forfeit was to collect human souls forever more.

Mant tales from these ancient Celtic myths depict Ankou as a black clad figure who drives a grand black horse drawn carriage collecting the souls of the recently departed and shepherding them to the Otherworld, where the Fey are said to dwell.

A cold wind usually heralds his coming to whomever is about to depart this world.
Others say that Ankou is the king of the dead,  that he protects graveyards and all who lay interred within.
In Celtic Brittany where Ankou first appeared it was said the Ankou was the last person to die in a parish that year and then it became their solemn duty to collect the dead until a new Ankou was appointed. In these tales the Ankou was described a a tall figure with long white hair, their body was just a pale skeleton which had a revolving skull which could see everything everywhere at any time.

Driving a horse drawn cart it would knock upon the door at the house of someone ready to depart, sometimes it would release a screehing wail, like that of a Banshee.

About the Author

S.J.Budd is a writer of all things weird and creepy. Previously her tales have been featured on Deandman's Tome,  Sanitarium Magazine, Dark Gothic Resurrected, Liquid Imagination, Aphotic Realm, Aurora Wolf, Aphelion, Blood Moon Rising Magazine, The Wild Hunt, Danse Macabre, Shadows at the Door, Inner Sins, Bewildering Stories, Siren's Call and many more.
She lives at  and  @sjbuddj 
Spells and Persuasions, her debut collection of short stories of horror and dark fantasy is available now in paperback and kindle from Amazon


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