The Keening of the Banshee

Also known by the names of Ban-Side/ Bean-Sidhe which translates from old Irish as "woman of the fairy mound." Fairies were believed to live in hollow hills unreachable to mortal folk.

The Banshees are death omens. The first recorded tale of a Banshee was in 1437  where one was heard wailing before the death of King James 1 of Scotland. They were depicted as having red eyes from eternal weeping and long hair. In some tales they wore green dresses with veiled faces, in others they were dressed in white. Appearing either as virginal young maidens or old wise crones, they were most commonly seen by moonlight.

Banshees were often heard to be wailing a mournful lament or keening whenever someone was about to die. It was said their wails could be so horrific it could shatter glass, and it was considered a most terribly bad omen if one of their hairs should fall on you.

It was said that banshees were often attracted to noble Irish and Scottish families. In Irish mythology the Banshee would only keen for five noble Irish clans; Kavanagh's, O'Briens, O'Connors, O'Gradys and the O'Neils.

Some tales state that the banshees served Morrigan, a goddess of battle and death for it was said that many a warrior would hear the banshees on the eve of battles where they would keen about those who were about to die.

About the Author

S.J.Budd is a writer of all things weird and creepy. Previously her tales have been featured on Deandman's Tome,  Sanitarium Magazine, Dark Gothic Resurrected, Liquid Imagination, Aphotic Realm, Aurora Wolf, Aphelion, Blood Moon Rising Magazine, The Wild Hunt, Danse Macabre, Shadows at the Door, Inner Sins, Bewildering Stories, Siren's Call and many more.
She lives at  and  @sjbuddj 
Spells and Persuasions, her debut collection of short stories of horror and dark fantasy is available now in paperback and kindle from Amazon


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