The Witches of the Logan Stone

Located on the ancient Redmoor on Helman Tor in deep Cornwall you'll find the Logan stone which has endured a deep association with witchcraft.

It has long been believed that this desolate area once served as a midnight  meeting point for witches. In the past there had been eye witness accounts of people seeing dark figures dance and leap beside the Logan stone on moonlit nights and that the cries of these witches would carry on the wind terrifying those nearby unlucky enough to hear. It is said the witches came here to brew their spell potions and charms after gathering nearby plants and flowers from the wild moors.Christian priests arriving after succeeding the druids absolutely forbade anyone to visit there due to its arcane connection to the supernatural, lest they be suspected and charged with witchcraft.

There have also been many reports that a solitary crone, an ancient witch, would stand upon the stone watching ships out at sea and brewing up storms to destroy them. The witches would then assemble and shout out with joy upon seeing the ship and its crew perish.

About the Author

S.J.Budd is a writer of all things weird and creepy. Previously her tales have been featured on Deandman's Tome,  Sanitarium Magazine, Dark Gothic Resurrected, Liquid Imagination, Aphotic Realm, Aurora Wolf, Aphelion, Blood Moon Rising Magazine, The Wild Hunt, Danse Macabre, Shadows at the Door, Inner Sins, Bewildering Stories, Siren's Call and many more.
She lives at  and  @sjbuddj 
Spells and Persuasions, her debut collection of short stories of horror and dark fantasy is available now in paperback and kindle from Amazon


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